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Will C.J make an appearance in GTA V

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I'm not saying as the main protagonist, but maybe he will make an appearance in the upcoming Grand Theft Auto V?

He might assist you in missions?

Tell me what you think, I want some more Ideas :D



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It's most likely we will see CJ in GTA V IMO, I personally would like to see 40 year old CJ XD but R* said that the GTA III era is dead and gone, so maybe all the past characters are gone too, who knows...Ganton <3

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Fuck off already, CJ is dead along with all your hopes and dreams.

That's it, i'm done with the GTA V forum until the next official news from R*.

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Fuck off already, CJ is dead along with all your hopes and dreams.

That's it, i'm done with the GTA V forum until the next official news from R*.

Dude what's wrong with you ? He just asked nicely, I don't get why are you so negative all the time ? :blink:

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