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  1. ---Busting air out of the vert ramp--- TUE Jan 30 - 3PM (PST) / 6PM (EST) / 7PM (AST) / 11PM (GMT) --- Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, crew-created jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc... Join when you can, stay as long as you like, and please post your pics and videos here for all to enjoy! Crew nights are always more hilarious from multiple viewpoints, so show and tell your side of the story! If you created a new job, post a link here so the playlist DJs can bookmark it, or in the PSN iGTA group chat. (Name may vary.) Photos are occasionally featured at @iGrandTheftAuto. Please tag your crew content with #igta! --- Theme: You only need two wheels this week! We'll find every curved surface and ramp on the map to show off sick grinds and 360s. Get your bikes off the wall and into the air, in honour of everyone's favourite bong-ripper, @BONGBMX! --- * Join the iGTA community here to be eligible for an invitation to the Social Club Crew. * Add crew staff on the Playstation Network to get invited to GTAO lobbies. PSN Names are underneath our forum avatars, along with Social Club, Twitter, etc. * Join anytime, the earlier the better. We start in a crew lobby, join via friends list or party chat. If you can't get in, ask for an invite, sometimes we end up in an invite-only after jobs. We round everyone up and send out fresh invites after each playlist. * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately. * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. You're not in a public lobby, so save it for when you are. * NO DIRTY RACING! A number of our jobs have specific rules, so pay attention, read the description, and listen to the creator's instructions. * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS, SNACKS or GOING OFF-RADAR during competitive play. For GTA races, use pickups only (rockets, boost), no thrown explosives. * Don't ruin photo or video setups. No getting a 4-star wanted level when someone's staging a shot. Just don't. --- Upcoming Events: February 6 - Rally Cars February 13 - Valentine's Massacre / Underpants Party February 20 - No Theme February 27 - TBA (Events Subject to Change depending on crew input or when Rockstar releases new DLC) Themes: All About Dat Vehicle Apocalypse Night, MC Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road, BMX Night, Lowriders, Rally Car, Supercars, Crotch Rockets, Motocross, Military Night, Muscle Cars, Classic Cars Show & Shine, Utility, Truckers All About Dat Outfit Crew Blue Night, 80s Night, Vinewood Night, FIB Night, Rock & Roll Night (KISS), Dapper Animals, Underpants Party, Bums, Toga, Cowboys, Pirates, Ninjas, GTA Characters, Rockabilly Night, Business Night, Wrestling/Fight Night, Purge Night, Steampunk Other theme suggestions are welcome!
  2. TUE JULY 19 - 6PM (EST) 11PM (GMT) --- Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, user created jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc... Stay as long as you like, but please share your experience here with us for all to enjoy! Pics, videos, stories... Crew Nights are always told from multiple viewpoints, so please tell us your side of the story! --- Theme: BMX Night... break out the mashing X button skills, it's BMX time ... dup made a couple of new skateparks to play around in, and BMX knows of a few other cool races we could do, so this should be fun... and hey, there's always dio's park to play around in too... so lets get our street biker game on! i want to suggest that maybe we spend some time in sandy shores... there's a lot of decayed buildings and hills and trailers and abandoned places to hang out at, could fit the theme nicely ... --- Emblem: brilliant idea, fitty ... say hello to the new ugly white BG emblem that actually is quite funny and cool ... we're now walking advertisements for ... --- Add'l Thoughts: sadly, this was originally going to be our official stunt night, but cockstar pulled a fast one on their community by delaying props... so we'll have to delay that one until the 9th of august, to allow our creator community time to make some fun stuff... unless the latest creator update problems still exist and we can't properly make stuff.. but we'll see ... iGTA olympics next week... if no one has any ideas, then i'll throw some playlists together for it... sadly the latest creator issues will ruin anyone's chances at coming up with something new... but i will set us up with a dress code, and we'll go from there... we'll probably have two outfits... the athlete on the sideline look, and the competitive one... it'll be fun, i'm sure there'll be a lot of shenanigans ... what do you think of motocross night being on the night the new creator tools come out?? might be a new bike to go with it... thoughts? perhaps make it a no theme night to allow us to tinker around with the new tools?? i also got an idea from a previous night a long time ago about a purge-like night... dress creepy with masks, and do a lot of deathmatches and stuff... maybe some small freeroam skirmishes too... i added it to the list... got any more suggestions?? if you want to do one from the list, pick one, don't say they're all fine i want you guys to decide too... are we due for one of the reoccurring ones like 80s night or lowriders or vintage?? --- Guidelines: * Join the iGTA community here, or befriend one of us to join the Crew. (via Social Club, PSN, Twitter, Instagram, IRL, etc.) * Add some of us on the Playstation Network to get invited. (PSN Names are underneath our Avatars) * You can join whenever, but the earlier the better. Ask for an invite if you want in. (We'll try to start the night out in a crew lobby to make things easier) * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately. (If you don't, stay away from crew activities and play alone) * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. (This rule will now be further enforced due to recent engagements) * NO DIRTY RACING! Also, listen to us if there's specific rules for a job. (A number of our jobs have specific rules, try to pay attention) * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS during competitive play. It ruins the balance of the matches. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one) * NO CONSUMING OF SNACKS during competitive play. Be a man and die with honor. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one) * No going off-radar in competitive matches. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one) * Don't ruin someone's Photo or Video if they're trying to set something up. (This can, and will get you, kicked from the session, no sabotaging on Crew Nights) ...we'll add more as we go if needed. --- Upcoming Events: * JUL 26TH - iGTA Olympics * AUG 2ND - Motocross Night?? / No Theme Night?? * AUG 9TH - Stunt Night * AUG 16TH - ??? (Events Subject to Change Depending on Crew Thoughts or When Rockstar Releases New DLC) Other Suggestions (so far): Rally Car Night, Rock & Roll Night, GTA Night, Vinewood Night, Fight Night, Business Night, Hipster Night, Wrestling/Fight Night, Motocross Night, Purge Night Reoccurring Themes: Crew Blue Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road Night, MC Night, BMX Night, Lowriders Night, 80s Night, Apocalypse Night
  3. TUE MAR 1 - 6PM (EST) 11PM (GMT) --- Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, user create jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc... Stay as long as you like, but please share your experience here with us for all to enjoy! Pics, videos, stories... Crew Nights are always told from multiple viewpoints, so please tell us your side of the story!! (Previous crew nights will now stay open an extra week for those who have last minute contributions to the last meet) --- Theme: BMX Night... i was looking for the last time we did this theme for the image, and it was in may! i could of swore we did one before that, but the archives never lie ... so dress like you BMX and let's find some rails to grind, walls to ride, gaps to jump, etc... perhaps BMX (the guy, not the bike lol) can give us some tips and we could pull off some cool stunts in tandem for casey's video, my vines, and whomever else might be wanting to put together videos and snaps ... i think i heard casey even made a job for this theme!! ... and we might as well start discussing how to handle gang night next week as well ... and as always, suggest theme ideas to add to the list... we've got a decent selection, but the list could always use more... --- Guidelines: * Join the iGTA community here, or befriend one of us to join the Crew. (via Social Club, PSN, Twitter, Instagram, IRL, etc.) * Add some of us on the Playstation Network to get invited. (PSN Names are underneath our Avatars) * You can join whenever, but the earlier the better. Ask for an invite if you want in. (We'll try to start the night out in a crew lobby to make things easier) * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately. (If you don't, stay away from crew activities and play alone) * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. (This rule will now be further enforced due to recent engagements) * NO DIRTY RACING! Also, listen to us if there's specific rules for a job. (A number of our jobs have specific rules, try to pay attention) * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS during competitive play. It ruins the balance of the matches. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one) * NO CONSUMING OF SNACKS during competitive play. Be a man and die with honor. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one) * No going off-radar in competitive matches. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one) * Don't ruin someone's Photo or Video if they're trying to set something up. (This can, and will get you, kicked from the session, no sabotaging on Crew Nights) ...we'll add more as we go if needed. --- Upcoming Events: * MAR 8TH - Gang Night * MAR 15TH - Crew Blue Night * MAR 22ND - 80's Night (Events Subject to Change Depending on Crew Thoughts or When Rockstar Releases New DLC) Other Suggestions (so far): Gang Night, Apocalypse Night, iGTA Olympics, Rally Car Night, Rock & Roll Night, 80's Night, GTA Night, Jackass Night ​Reoccurring Themes: Crew Blue Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road Night, MC Night, BMX Night, Vintage Night
  4. TUE JUNE 2 - 6PM (EST) 11PM (GMT) --- Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, user create jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc... Stay as long as you like, but please share your experience here with us for all to enjoy! Pics, videos, stories... Crew Nights are always told from multiple viewpoints, so please tell us your side of the story! If you created a new job, post a link here so we can try and get it into a playlist! --- Theme: BMX Night... come one, come all, it's BMX night, finally! lets go stunting and take some cool pics and videos... we have a number of jobs in our arsenal, so we're good there, including dio, who made a BMX park for us ... i did make my scooter trials: jumps a bmx job as well if you wanted to chuck that into a later playlist... if you got any ideas for locations to stunt around in, speak up... otherwise i assume we're just gonna wing it and see where the night takes us... i made a new logo too, because i am cool like that ... (and yes, our logo has been moved to the bottom of the creator box too, so if you're ever considering making a new emblem (dio/dup), the bmx guy goes all the way to the top of the space provided... it's not a lot of space, but it's worth noting that it's far more than we had on previous emblems, could create some new stuff up top, perhaps even a new jackal ) --- Guidelines: * Join the iGTA community here, or befriend one of us to join the Crew. * Add some of us on the Playstation Network to get invited. * You can join whenever, but the earlier the better. Ask for an invite if you want in. * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately. * NO CREW KILLING (unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon) * NO DIRTY RACING! Also, listen to us if there's specific rules for a job. * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS during competitive play. It ruins the balance of the matches. * NO CONSUMING OF SNACKS during competitive play. Be a man and die with honor. * No going off-radar in competitive matches. * Don't ruin someone's Photo or Video if they're trying to set something up. ...we'll add more as we go if needed.