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Found 7 results

  1. I recently found I had a few issues with my Online account... Dear Rockstar Support, I have just noticed the following things missing for my Online account: - The ability to purchase my personalised licence plate - The ability to get the Collector's Edition cars for free from the car dealer - My musket Please rectify this in due course and let me know when it has been done. With love, Ginginho A few days later, I got the following response... Hello Ginginho, We have proceeded with reimbursing the missing levels to character slot 1, as well as a cash accommodation to the account which will show up in your shared back to re-purchase missing Pegasus vehicles. Please let us know if you have received these funds and still require support Kind Regards, Rockstar Support I checked my account. They gave me $1,000,000 but I still can not access any of the things I asked for... not sure if that's a positive result or not... What have your experiences with Rockstar Support been like?
  2. So some jerk-off analyst made comments that Activision should buy Take-Two and Take-Two's share price went up. This is bad. Let's just hope Take Two tells them to fuck off like they did with EA 6 years ago. If this happens Activison will milk GTA to death, Rockstar doesn't need corporate publishers to oversee their work and fuck things up.
  3. Hi guys, I'm wondering what sorts of things we could see in GTA V PC when it eventually does get released (If it does). Do you think Rockstar are taking so long to release the PC version because they're working on making it even more amazing? Are they adding more features for the PC version? Are they using some sort of facial recognition for the PC version maybe? All these questions and I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas on what we could see, and what we WANT to see in the PC version of GTA V.
  4. Ok so I thought it would be better to create a seperate thread to the 'Trailer 2 coming next wednesday' one. Official trailer 2 is below, enjoy
  5. Wanted to hear your opinions if RDR 2, Bully 2 or Manhunt 3 will ever see the light of day. I'd personally would buy all of these games since the prequels were awesome and fun to play. What do you guys think?
  6. Quite exciting.
  7. We're approaching Christmas, only 3 days away now. Think we'll be getting anything from them for Christmas or New Year? I'm thinking at most a very teasing gift, something such as a very slight hint to the game or maybe Rockstar will put those domains to use which they purchased? Anyway I'm really looking forward to January, I just think we'll hear more once we enter 2012. And yes, news is VERY slow these days. >.<