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Posts posted by Indy

  1. What a great game. You're all right about the OCD though, I'm starting to pick and choose what crap to take now. Just can't be bothered continuously going back and forth.


    I've build somewhat of a stronghold at Sanctuary. Gate at the front, two sentry's on the pillars, a guard tower, and I've build a wall with the bridge behind it and a staircase, essentially allowing you to man the wall. The creative people are going to love this. 


    In terms of Sniper, I kinda just build my own using the .308 pistol. 


    Once thing I must applaud about this game, the FPS shooting actually works. I hardly ever use VATS. I have about 800 .38 bullets and I just modified my pistol to a quick fire. So far I can kill raiders and ghouls with relative ease. 


    I ended up clearing all of the Corvega assembly plant with a shotgun! And in case you miss it, there's a gated area at the back with a bunker. Go there and you'll get an interesting radio signal.



    Protectron personality, I tried changing to Subway Steward since I had a subway token, but he didn't recognize it! I thought it would be a smart way to clear out the Super Duper Mart, but couldn't get it to work.

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  2. I have a question for the more culinary able folk:


    I often make paprika-flavored parsnip and sweet potato oven-baked chips (fries for you americans, although they're not fried), as a healthier alternative to fries. But the process of cutting all the parsnips and sweet potatoes can be quite long. So tomorrow I plan on cutting all of them at the same time in one go.


    Can I freeze the cut chips, and oven-bake them straight from frozen without losing the nice crispy texture?

  3. I'm currently level 21 in the game and just hit Skellige. I've done almost everything there is to do in Valen and Novigrad. My build is heavily sign focused, Quen is pretty much OP right now. I think an alchemy build would be good, I love the idea of having to prepare for a battle to maximize my chances of winning. Although right now I run in with Quen, drop a Yrden and I'm good.


    Might take a while off the game though, getting a bit repetitive and overwhelming for my methodical play style!


    I'm a massive fan of Gwent by the way. My Northern Realms card collection is pretty solid, and I have a few good tactics to beat my opponents. E.g. Biting frost, play a series of close combat cards, watch my opponent pass the round after they think they've beaten me. Then use my leader ability to clear the weather and win the round!


    I'm glad you posted about it, Vicey - I saw both you and Otiz playing it over the weekend, and even messaged Otiz about it on PSN to ask how it is...we watched the movie last weekend a couple of times, and both my man and I are curious about the game and whether it's worth it or not. Otiz's verdict - fun, but not at full price (he split the cost with a co-worker). So we might rent it instead and give it a trial run, or just wait for it to drop in price.

    Well I got it for £37.99 off Amazon, not cheap but not as expensive as some games which can go up to £50. I had finished Far Cry 4 which was a pretty short game really so I wanted something to pass the time until Fallout.


    The northern part of the map reminds me of New Vegas somewhat and the Buzzard faction members look like the Ghost People from Dead Money.


    Far Cry 4 took me so long! I pretty much 100%'d it though.

  5. This guy pretty much summed up my experience with The Witcher 3, Skyrim and Far Cry, as well as my fear of MGS5.



    I think as an OCD, perfectionist, completionist etc., these massive open world games can become seriously overwhelming and repetitive as my play style is quite meticulous, methodical and structured. I like to 'complete' areas before moving on. It's hard to explain, but I get bored of games quickly as a result.

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  6. This game seems to be scoring perfect scores all over the internet. I wasn't really a big fan of Ground Zero. So I honestly don't know if I will enjoy this game, which is sad because it seems brilliant. I might pick it up next year sometime for cheap.


    Initial impressions?

  7. If it's not red, painful, itchy, affecting your vision, and there are no lumps on or inside your eyelid - it's most likely nothing serious. I would do as Gtagrl said. Your pillow covers may need to be changed. Wash your hands regularly because rubbing one eye and then the other can spread infection. Excess sweat from working out can also affect your eyes so bare that in mind. Just all the usual common sense things. Even if it is conjunctivitis, it will resolve itself.

  8. I dunno, doesn't seem much greater than my Sony Xperia Z3, and that's almost 9 months old. I find that the camera quality is not really much of an issue, the software the phone uses normally makes the greatest difference. And it's also water/dust proof, and you can play your PS4 on it.

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