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Posts posted by Kwarb

  1. I wonder how well that would all work out? Or... How much it will cost.. lol. Ive seen a lot of speculation, as well, but having leakers and a few tech-inclined friends explain it, it wouldnt be terribly hard. Still wonder about all of the Casino stuff a while back, too... Really digging the DLC fillers lately, but they should space sequel DLCs out more just to keep things fresh. We need a good Biker and Military DLC...

  2. Still waiting to see a decent Biker DLC, and/or military-police DLC. The only thing else I can think of are Mission Creator and the Casino...but... Good luck with any of that. New weapons and vehicles are always welcome, too... The simple stuff is worth more than a mega yacht, to me anyway.

  3. I wouldn't think old gen could handle a LV rendition, could it? They already have most of the models needed, though... Id pay $60 just for a well done LV and the desert surrounding it. The desert in SA made the game for me... it just had a certain vibe to it. If R* wanted to make money, that's where it would be.

  4. The whole super-car thing is played out... I can never afford the damn things online, anyway. The new bike doesn't look too special either... Just hope the clothes and the rest are worth spending my day off messing with!

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  5. Really digging the PDW. Could have a little better damage, but its all around fun as hell. On another note, I hope they don't over do the whole "Luxury Items" thing.. I would like to see Part 2 themed around something else. I haven't been able to find much new clothing that fits my redneck character yet.

  6. Having some problems with my Samsung s4... The power button somehow got jammed, and I cant boot my phone back up without it. Hopefully getting a new one today, but will they be able to get all of my pictures/music/contacts from my device storage as well?

  7. Yeah, Im one of those as well... Good ol' Wyoming doesn't give me the best of internet service lol. I wouldn't even care about loosing connection periodically,but my entire game freezes all the time, both on and offline. I can barely get it to load half of the damn time...

  8. One thing I have come to wonder, with a little experience, is what would happen if you loose connection during a heist? I seem to loose connection, or have my game freeze every single time I get online or story mode to work at all. It would be a real bummer if I lost connection after going through all the motions.