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Posts posted by Brian

  1. unrHHFf.jpg

    Also, second time was today. I created the waterfall bong and it was much easier to take hits with that.


    After a few minutes of three hits or so it began to set in. I was walking around my apartment laughing at literally nothing. I just kept laughing and walking around. I fucking loved it. Made some popcorn and watched the Young Wild and Free music video again like yesterday and laughed some more. Then after a few minutes of the laughing the body high began to set in even more. My body feels so heavy on this strain but it's nice. I also get super hungry. Being a mix of indica and sativa I figured the sativa hits first, and the indica effects gradually take over leaving you relaxed and eventually tired after the initial funny phase.


    While I don't have any other strains to compare to yet, I give this a 9/10 due to the wonderful body feelings and hit of laughter (which I wish lasted longer). If you come across medical OG Skunk, get some.

  2. Sell to desperate college guys that aren't from around there, they'll usually pay the most because they are afraid to go look for it. Stay away from highschoolers, they tend to brag and get caught. You can probably break it up and sell an eighth for $50, which comes out to $400 for the ounce. $170 profit is not too bad.

    If you get into seeds the light green ones are junk, look for the dark brown striped ones.

    Just selling weed won't take you very far at all but it's a great supplement to a shitty day job, that's how I support my chipotle addiction.


    Not tryna get a part time job right now.



    I can't think of anyone who has become successful by selling weed, Brian.

    Good way to get shot though, as one of our own forum members found out.


    You get caught selling weed good luck with the air force gig


    Bill Maher paid for his college tuition doing it :lol: Not like I plan to do anything like that

  3. He says he pays top dollar for it, was gonna charge $240 but knocked it to $230. The thermos is smell proof as well and made of metal, i literally left my nose against it for 5 minutes and nothing came through.


    Also I'm sure different strains will cost different amounts, this OG Skunk is medical grade.





    I think a lot of guys like big butts, that takes real dedication to dream of banging a girl like that, and to then wake up with a hardon.

    I guess any sex dream is better than none at all? Lol



    Hey, I said she was fat, not unattractive... I try to believe that everyone is in some way beautiful and some people hide it better than others...


    Holy Shit, I thought I was the only one left in this day and age.


    Skinny is unattractive....


    *in your opinion


    Some girls are naturally skinny, no one is naturally fat.


    Just my two cents.

    If someone can be naturally skinny, they certainly can be naturally fat.

    Not that that is an excuse to be fat. But someone who is naturally fatter has to work harder at it.



    Overweight sure, but I don't consider overweight fat per say. 20-30ish pounds is like a margin of error to me. Environmental factors and age can certainly cause you to be heavier than the charts say you should be but anything over 25 pounds imo isn't "natural".



  5. I just find it contradicting to say skinny isn't attractive but fat is.


    There's beautiful on both ends of the spectrum. However, if you're obese you obviously don't care about yourself enough to stay in shape or lose the weight (medical issues aside it's possible no matter what), and if you're anorexic you need serious help mentally. 



    I think a lot of guys like big butts, that takes real dedication to dream of banging a girl like that, and to then wake up with a hardon.

    I guess any sex dream is better than none at all? Lol



    Hey, I said she was fat, not unattractive... I try to believe that everyone is in some way beautiful and some people hide it better than others...





    Holy Shit, I thought I was the only one left in this day and age.


    Skinny is unattractive....



    *in your opinion


    Some girls are naturally skinny, no one is naturally fat.


    Just my two cents.

  7. I think a lot of guys like big butts, that takes real dedication to dream of banging a girl like that, and to then wake up with a hardon.

    I guess any sex dream is better than none at all? Lol


    Guys always wake up to a hardon.

    • Like 1

  8. Anyone else into RC cars/trucks!?


    Haven't played with an RC car/truck since fifth grade? I used to have a really awesome ATV with a dude sitting on it. That thing lasted longer than most of what's out there, and was rigerous. I miss it :(


    Had an RC boat I never used, and had a short fling with gyro R/C choppers in middle school.


    I'd like to assume this is not the right topic for them though as they're only toys.



  9. For the longest time now I have had nothing crazy happen in my dreams. I used to have all sorts of creative dreams when I was younger, nightmares too. But it's been years since I can recall the last time I had a nightmare. And when I say nothing crazy happens, my dreams are usually current issues going on in my life playing out in a way, or just things that could certainly happen in real life based off things that have or are happening, but something I might not do.


    For example, I have dreams of me texting when I'm worried about someone or something is going on with them and my main form of contact with them has been with them on the phone. I'll dream about myself with other people doing regular every day things. I'll dream about me fighting or yelling at family that I never have or never would do that too, but that's just all it is. I even had an inception style dream where I woke up and did exactly what I would do if I were at my grandparents (shower first then breakfast), then I actually woke up again irl.


    I'd say my dreams went from what dreams are always looked at (crazy or fun etc.) to just my mind sorting things out or imagining how things could go down (which is what many say is the reason behind dreams). But they're not all that fun or creative anymore from the ones I do remember. Anyone else have this? 

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