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Everything posted by fanman

  1. no i am not on social club. I am trying to fined it in the game with the 3 main characters cause i would one of them to have it and if you know how to fine and get the prison bus that would be nice.
  2. dose any one have a clue to were the Elegy RH8 by Annis (Nissan GTR) is at i look all over rock ford hills and can not find it.
  3. traffic light glitch. it never turns green all ways red then yellow and back to red where; second intersection north west, wall of movie making place/by a amunation which way; north west and south east way of traffic/ southwest and northeast way traffic not effected. north west side of town if your that clueless. dose not have any idea why this happens.
  4. ok i have been thinking and thought up a theory on the mountain. so here it is lets say we do unlock the secret of the mountain and the wall at the cable car station that looks like a door, opens and its a portal to north Yankton's map and here you are given the ufo and jet pack to fly but the easter egg is the map its self and the reason it is cracked is because you were all ready there once. remember this is only a theory because we don't know what the secret really is. also i don't understand what it is with this game an aliens,monkeys,or random barks and franklin with the dog that he can understand what it says even if it was never there.
  5. random ped got ranover by metro train and it was the way he did it and said it that made it funny or the fact that he was black.
  6. that not a choice besides ill make it easier on you just tell me what way is the better choice.
  7. if this is a help topic then i need some help i can't decide for the big score mission which choice to take the not obvious or the obvious choice both are rely good choices but if i do one then i miss out on doing the other one so on one side i have getting in with armored trucks (easy way) but the other side i get in using the driller which is what i would like to use but this is the longer and harder way. so what shall i chose?
  8. fuck me but i must know the secret behind this god dam puzzle, R* why do you play these mind games with us!?
  9. 3 things 1 i cant believe that you can not go in to a fast food joint to eat whats that shit all about not to mention there's not a single well stacked pizza co on here . 2 there are too many snitches on the game i mean there are no cop driving or walking around and no mater what you do the cops come evan if you do kill the person making the call. i mean what ever happen to oh shit ill just walk away now its like ill call the cop and be an asshole even if all you do is bump into them. 3 all i said was hi and the cops start shooting at you. i think that is BS right there one time i got a wanted level for get hit buy a cop chasing some one else and they stopped just to get out and kill me.
  10. ok so your saying i should buy 10 or more shares when it is low and then when it gets higher than it was i am supost to sell them and that how this shit works on getting money.
  11. ok thats great advise but what if you only buy one share how do you make money with that.?
  12. i need help playing the stocks game. im in the liberty stock exchange and when i check my profile it all ways says i haven't made any thing but have lost even thought the stocks on the market page are up. what should i do?
  13. funny thing with los santos fire department (LSFD) i blue my car up on the high way and it was on fire the LSFD shows up on the other side of the highway jump out and make there way across traffic get hit and ran over when finale someone decides to stop after hitting them they get pissed the throw the guy on the road and beet /smoke his ass with fire extinguishers then leave when this is done. also in sandy shores this woman cop go on rampage i said some thing to this black guy at the police station he hit me she shoots him then kills every one in the general area including the other cop then go and stands back were she was and play with her phone like nothing ever happen. shit fuck up man.
  14. i have found the sabre turbo with Trevor and turned it in to the one from the screen shots and stored in my garage
  15. i dislike that the crossing signals lights don't light up. keep getting hit by train cause of it,also can't get in and drive train.
  16. i made this page so gamers can ask question and not make a new topic just for a answer cause thats a wast of a topic space help topic is one example of a waste of topic had this been here he could had posted here instead. so ask a Q and maybe you will get an A.
  17. i know a place where there is a suitcase with 12k in it but first you have to get lung compasitey up to at least 80/100 before you get it second the option to buy ammo for a gun avalibel at the gun store........ ill detail tell you first you have a gun then you click on the upgrades when this menu pops up there at the top will be something that says 20xrounds (number differs for gun) and this is the ammo to buy for the gun theirs also a button the y or x is the one to change it from 20xrounds to full ammo which cost more but is useful. and then watch this video and don't for get to pause the video at the beginning to see where on the left top of the map you need to go
  18. trevor tiyed some guy up to the pole under the bordwalk with the park rides on it and trevor was yelling something.
  19. i think there is a smg in the park rangers Granger parked at the vinewood sign watch out for guards and good luck checking on this one . i found it when i stole it and i knew it was not there when i got in the Granger.
  20. i like that you can use the web from your phone and check the bank account to see your spending's and earnings.
  21. i put a cop car in michals garage and when i came back it was gone but i thought it was his wife since she told me to get rid
  22. I think just go into your social club account then snap a pic of that pic and attach it here this would never work for i have no social club account i wish i did but i don't cause i don't.