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Posts posted by Santiago

  1. I think the payout will range from 50k-75k since it's split or whatever. They will raise it on those 2x weekend events and some heist related events. The job points for a heist is what I was thinking too since there is no use for them in the game at the moment.

  2. The only way to play stealthy is to headshot a person, let the other person see and wait until they come and headshot them. Move on and repeat. I beat the game mainly hacking and playing stealthy. The ending did not make sense at all. The story and hints and the end were really good though.

  3. There's that homocide partner from L.A Noire in the campaign. House of Cards actors included aswell. Just like COD is doing this year with AW. Lel. The story looks nice for the first time in a BF game to be honest. And the multiplayer with the gadgets looks cool to play around with.

  4. After playing it myself, all I have to say is shit. The driving is shit ( not like you didn't know that already ), the graphics are meh for a next-gen console, and the hacking is forced down your throat. If you do a mission without hacking it just feels easy. Gonna edit when I play more.

  5. I saw the first 30 minutes of it. Looks like it has a good, deep story from what I saw.

    Don't know if this is a spoiler or not.

    There is a reputation meter like RDR. Do good things and increase reputation, or do the opposite and be a complete ass